Last week, as I was reading La Presse, two articles got my attention. The first was about how MTY, a Quebec-based franchisor that owns various chains such as Mikes, Scores, Thaï Express, and many more saw its value on the Toronto stock market hit a 12-month low. Part of the lower value was attributed to the rise in the use of Ozempic. The second was specifically about the growing use of Ozempic and the related changes in food habits by consumers.

For those that don’t know, Ozempic is a drug, traditionally used to treat diabetes but offers weight loss side-effects, that has taken the world by storm and is being attributed to lower demand for the food industry around the world. We know we’re in a period of transition and fast change. It seems like ever since the pandemic we hear about the changes to work, changes in how people view themselves in the world (and their own bodies) and just what the future holds for young people in a world that is getting more expensive by the day.

Without question, these changes will affect the economy too. The free market gives us anything and everything: fast food on every corner, a gym on every second corner to burn the calories. The endless cycle of exercise, diet, eat and cheat is truly a remarkable by-product of the free market. Now we have Big Pharma getting in on the action too. Why bother going to the gym if there’s a pill you can pop that will ensure you run a calorie deficit! What a time to be alive! Perhaps this is a good thing. Fast food is just that – a quick and easy way to eat when life gets too busy to cook. But it can’t replace the healthy, nutritious and delicious foods that our body needs. This is why buying local and supporting farmers is never a bad choice.

Of course, losing weight is not easy, especially as we get older. It takes exercise, discipline and overall better choices. I am proud to say I’ve already lost 10 pounds! But I’m going to do it the old-fashioned way by exercising more and eating less. Taking a drug to lose weight just isn’t for me!

These remain tough times for a variety of reasons. Costs are way up for everything. It seems like there’s more war than peace these days too. It is natural for us to all reevaluate what it all means for our lives. For me and others at C3FC, we are staying optimistic.

Costs are up but they’ll hopefully stabilize soon and maybe even come down. The hard work of exercising and eating healthy isn’t a quick fix or a fast result but it is the best and most time-tested way to get healthier. And eventually war leads to peace and disruption get replaced by stability. What can we do in the meantime?

Save money by cooking more. Buy healthy ingredients and try new recipes. It is always fun to add a new meal into the mix that your family will love. Buying local may also save you money since you’re not paying for the fuel that had to truck your tomatoes from Mexico! Your local food options will also taste better and be better for you.

Finally, recognize that life is a marathon not a sprint. Easier times will come. Let’s stay hopeful. And if you meet someone who needs a hand, give them one. That is why you have two!


A consistent consumer of Canadian products (food, clothing, furniture, etc.), Isabelle Bouchard is a city girl now living in the countryside on a dairy and crop farm in Lac Saint-Jean, Québec.

Self-employed since 2019, she was previously employed by great Canadian companies and the Government of Canada. Consult her LinkedIn profile for details.

Isabelle is excited to participate with friends in this great project. Both Canadian producers and products need the support and love of Canadians to shine and prosper. There are so many people who denigrate our producers and our Canadian products that she feels it is almost a duty to participate in C3FC.