A new year of excitement for C3FC
As we enter our third but second *full* year as a consumer-first, pro-Canadian agriculture and agri-food group, we are excited for the year ahead. 2022 was not without its challenges. Food prices are at record levels and families are feeling the pinch. We see it in the grocery store weekly and we know it is not getting easier in the short run. We also know that massive disruptions in global supply chains are contributing not only to higher prices but also to food availability. Leading organizations around the world including the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and others are warning of a full-blown food security crisis.
Against the backdrop of these global phenomena, we have people here at home who are bent and determined to talk down Canadian food, divide the agriculture sector and spread misinformation and half-truths. We were founded precisely to fight back against these agenda-driven activists who care more about themselves than they do about the farmers, workers and families that are trying to make a living and provide healthy nutritious food for their tables at home.
To this end, we have some exiting initiatives for this year that will ensure we’re standing squarely on the side of Canadian food and families. These include:
- An intensified partnership with Lisa Weagle, Canadian Olympian and Champion Curler. Lisa will be sharing with us and our audiences how nutritious and delicious Canadian food helps fuel her own drive for success in a variety of ways. We’re super pumped for this to kick off and we can’t wait to get going!
- Continuing our regular discussions with agriculture and agri-food expert Tyler McCann from the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute. Stay tuned as we continue to talk all things food and ag with Tyler as part of our regular features
- Continuing to provide the facts and accurate information Canadians want and deserve when it comes to the food they buy and eat.
If you have ideas to share, we’d love to hear from you! Please reach out at info@canadafoodfactsforconsumers.org
And please follow us on our social media platforms!
We wish everyone a Happy New Year and we hope 2023 is off to a great start for you!
More soon!
-The C3FC team